Alumni Spotlight: Jillian Kosic, LT’13

I had been interested in joining a non-profit board for a few years, as a way to get more involved in the nonprofit sector and give back through my expertise in marketing. I was also interested in diversifying my peer group to gain a different perspective on civic leadership, business, and life.

Check out the rest of the story to see how Jillian was able to find the perfect nonprofit board on which to serve.

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Featured AlumniMegan Rudolph
Alumni Spotlight: Janice Zahn, LT'17

Although I had many years of experience working for a public agency (Port of Seattle), volunteering in my community, and a Master’s in Public Policy from the UW Evan’s School, it was my time in LT engaging and learning with my inspiring cohort of leaders that propelled me to run for Bellevue City Council. 

My classmates’ passion to make our community better was palpable and infectious... just what I needed to light the fire in my belly after the 2016 election. I saw the possibility for me, as an immigrant from Hong Kong, to use my talents in public office and be a bridge builder who works with others to solve challenging problems locally. As the only woman of color on council, in a majority minority city, I bring a new voice and perspective that I believe complements our other council members. My time at LT gave me insights on how to respectfully engage while checking my own biases in decision-making as an elected official.  

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Introducing the LT Class of 2019

We are excited to introduce the LT Class of 2019. Selected from the largest applicant pool in LT’s history, members of LT’19 represent the three sectors (private, nonprofit and public), work in a variety of industries, and demonstrate a deep commitment to making our region a better place to live and work.

Please join us in welcoming these 80 leaders into the Leadership Tomorrow family!

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Megan Rudolph
Challenge Day Reflections: Economy, LT'18

"I expect great things from you. This region needs you." Martha Choe, LT'84, began her Leadership Reflection. "You don't have an option. You're in this class for a reason. You are uniquely privileged to be in this program. I have high expectations for you to be in this seat in 10 years."

As the class considered the regional economy, Martha pointed out that necessary community-focused work is not just about the economy. It's about all the conditions that come together for a sustainable economy. "A healthy economy depends on everything you've talked about all year."

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