Challenge Day Reflections: Education, LT'20

To keep you connected to LT and the current issues and topics discussed in the curriculum, LT shares highlights and resources from the recent Challenge Day. We hope you enjoy these monthly updates! 

At the Education Challenge Day, held at South Seattle College, LT’20 identified educational challenges/opportunities significant to our region, examined systemic realities of racial disparity in education, explored why the achievement gap continues to exist, and engaged in conversations about the complexity of the educational landscape, including the controversial aspects of it.

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Challenge Day Reflections: Neighborhoods & Communities, LT'20

To keep you connected to LT and the current issues and topics discussed in the curriculum, LT shares highlights and resources from the recent Challenge Day. We hope you enjoy these monthly updates! 

At the Neighborhoods & Communities Challenge Day, held at Northwest African American Museum, LT’20 explored the importance of strong, diverse social networks in creating healthy communities, delved into the fundamentals of the development eco-system, particularly the tension between growth, affordability, and displacement; and learned about race and racism in urban growth, including the disproportional negative impact on people of color.

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2019-2020 Curriculum Committee

LT's Curriculum Committee, an incredible group of alumni and community leaders, develops and implements the annual curriculum for the Challenge Year, including planning the retreats and Challenge Days, and overseeing the two leadership labs. This committee ensures a focus on community and current issues, how the three sectors work together, racial equity, application of leadership principles, and the intersectionality of these components.

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Megan Rudolph
Introducing the LT Class of 2020

We are excited to introduce the LT Class of 2020. Members of LT’20 represent the three sectors (private, nonprofit, and public), work in a variety of industries, and demonstrate a deep commitment to making our region a better place to live and work.

Please join us in welcoming these leaders into the Leadership Tomorrow family!

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Megan Rudolph
Challenge Day Reflections: Economy, LT'19

To keep you connected to LT and the current issues and topics discussed in the curriculum, LT shares highlights and resources from the recent Challenge Day. We hope you enjoy these monthly updates! 

At the Economy Day, held at the Hive Media Lab, LT'19 assessed the economic health of our region through the economic levers of workforce/education, technology/innovation, infrastructure/transportation, and regulatory/tax climate; explored how race and racial equity impact economic opportunities; and explored through an economic lens how the choices we make impact our community. 

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Challenge Day Reflections: Environment LT'19

To keep you connected to LT and current issues and topics discussed in the curriculum, LT shares highlights and resources from the recent Challenge Day. We hope you enjoy these monthly updates!

The Environment Challenge Day is a difficult day to plan. The issues seem so big (e.g. climate change), and the results of efforts are often not seen for many, many years. We’ve learned that focusing on place can be a great strategy for talking about big issues in a way that localizes them. This year, we focused on the Duwamish River, and held the day at a Boeing Site on the river. 

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Alumni Spotlight: John Meyer, LT'17

I now look differently at spaces where I personally have influence and think about who is missing, why, and how we can remove barriers. Change is slow, but leading with a lens of equity and access allows you to convene the right people and communities from the get-go to have impact.

Check out the rest of the story to see how Leadership Tomorrow helped John develop the knowledge and tools to more effectively address equity and access, and how LT helped him find his current board position.

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