Alumni Spotlight: Maria McDaniel, LT’14

“It’s the little things that cause the ripple effect, and those are the voices and tasks that sometimes go unseen. My experience at LT reinforced the need to continue to speak up, show up, have a seat at the table, and not take for granted your actions and how they really do make an impact.”

Read the rest of the story to see how Maria lives those values and continues to show up, speak up, and make an impact.

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Letter to LT Community: We Stand Together for Change

Dear LT Community:

We face a defining moment. It is inescapable that our region and nation are suffering from the effects of systemic racism which perpetuates structural violence, poverty, and health disparities. Black and African American members of our community are under siege right now. We see you and we care about you. We stand together with you in anger, fear, sadness, and grief.

We are committed to changing the systems and structures that perpetuate racist inequities and are a part of a long history of injustice and oppression. While we don’t have all the answers, we are committed to working toward solutions that not only address the current incidents that have sparked the recent protests, but also address the root causes. It is our charge -- as leaders in this community and in partnership with all members of our community -- to find ways to foster sustainable change.

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Megan Rudolph
Alumni Spotlight: Terry Rice, LT'18, Lions + Tigers

LT brought me closer to the community that I have lived in, and operated a business in, for the last 12 years. As my concern mounted over the decaying discourse and money-fueled backlash to our homeless crisis, LT gave me the courage and base of support to launch my campaign for city council.

Check out the rest of the story to see how LT inspired Terry to run for City Council and what he learned while running for City Council.

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Challenge Day Reflections: Economy, LT'20

Economy Challenge Month
May 2020

As LT pivoted to a virtual environment, the Economy Challenge Day Planning team created a menu of opportunities that support these learning objectives. We encourage you to watch the recordings of these learning sessions.

  • Community and Belonging: Explore how crises inspire belonging and connection in a community. Consider how your LT community can foster belonging and connection at this time.

  • Regional Issues: Assess how interconnected the physical health of our people and economic health of our region is. Explore through an economic lens how the choices we make impact our community.

  • Leadership: Discuss opportunities for how the private, public, and nonprofit sectors can come together to address regional challenges. Identify actions you can take in support of these opportunities.

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Alumni Spotlight: Shkëlqim Kelmendi, LT'18

Housing Connector’s success would not have been possible without the encouragement and support of LT classmates and alumni. The LT community rallied behind me and not only provided direction but also their time and resources to help bring our vision to reality.

Check out the rest of the story to see how the LT community helped Shkëlqim launch a new organization, Housing Connector, to increase access and remove barriers to housing for individuals experiencing homelessness. 

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Challenge Day Reflections: Arts & Culture, LT'20

Challenge Day Reflections, written by LT alumni, are designed to help you stay connected to the LT curriculum, sharing highlights and resources from our content-rich Challenge Days. We hope you enjoy these monthly updates!

At the Arts & Culture Day, held at the Seattle Center, LT’20 identified multiple approaches to using arts and culture as forces that catalyze positive change; examined local examples of how arts and culture offer opportunities to connect and gather; assessed the cultural landscape in King County and gathered insights into how funding is generated and distributed to support artists and organizations; and reflected on testimonials from individuals who shared how their arts and culture efforts intersect with the other Challenge Day pillars.

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