The Future of Policing Resources

On October 27, 2020, we held a Challenge Night focused on the Future of Policing. The conversation was moderated by Marcus Green of the South Seattle Emerald and our panelists included Monisha Harrell, LT’11 of Rule Seven LLC and Deputy Monitor for the Oversight Commission of the Seattle Police Dept, Captain John Hayes, LT’03 of Seattle Police Department, and Rob Saka, LT’18 of Microsoft and King County Charter Commission.

Panelists offered different perspectives, discussed the range of solutions being proposed, and suggested ways LT alumni could plug in to learn more and take action. A note about the perspectives shared that night: we did not have someone on the panel with an abolitionist point of view. A lot of effort went into including someone with that perspective, but for a variety of reasons, no one we reached out to could participate.

Read more to check out related resources gathered by panelists and LT staff.

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Megan Rudolph
Alumni Spotlight: Desireé Wilkins Finch, LT, 20 Rise LWP LLC

I am Desiree Wilkins Finch, the descendant of a slave who became a sharecropper. Prior to joining Leadership Tomorrow, I struggled, a great deal, being comfortable in white spaces, specifically in “professional” settings. I found myself trying to fit in and was performative, demonstrating behaviors that I had been taught and believed were acceptable and would grant me access to opportunity.

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Challenge Day Highlights: Neighborhoods & Communities, LT'21

To keep you connected to LT and current issues and topics discussed in the curriculum, LT shares highlights and resources from the recent Challenge Day. We hope you enjoy these regular updates!

The LT Class of 2021 recently met for their Neighborhoods and Communities Challenge Day. The day was centered around these questions: What are solutions to displacement and disenfranchisement faced by Black, Indigenous, and other people of color (BIPOC) communities caused by historic and current structural racism? What strategies support communities most impacted by displacement stay rooted and flourish? What are challenges of implementing solutions in real life?

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LT Alumni Collaboration: Kelly Fisher, LT’19, and Nam-ho Park, LT’19

What happens when you bring together highly motivated leaders from all walks of life, who work in various industries, and who have expertise in fields ranging from informatics to food security?

Cross-sector collaboration. Transformative leadership opportunities.

The LT Class of 2019 brought together 80 incredible leaders, including Nam-ho Park and Kelly Fisher. Nam-ho is a lecturer at the University of Washington in Informatics, a discipline focused on the intersection of people, information, and technology. Kelly manages the Food Security Program at Seattle Children’s Hospital, providing food resources to patients, their families, and the larger community.

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Introducing the LT Class of 2021

We are excited to introduce the LT Class of 2021. Members of LT’21 represent the three sectors (private, nonprofit, and public), work in a variety of industries, and demonstrate a deep commitment to foster the change needed to make our region a more equitable and just place for everyone. Please join us in welcoming these leaders into the Leadership Tomorrow family!

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Megan Rudolph
Meet LT's 2020-2021 Curriculum Committee

LT's Curriculum Committee, an incredible group of alumni and community leaders, develops and implements the annual curriculum for the Flagship Program program. By planning Challenge Days and retreats, overseeing leadership labs, and facilitating racial caucusing, this group ensures we provide opportunities throughout the year to explore this year’s core question and achieve our learning objectives.

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GeneralMegan Rudolph
2020-2021 Lab Coaches

LT's Curriculum Committee, an incredible group of alumni and community leaders, develops and implements the annual curriculum for the Challenge Year, including planning the retreats and Challenge Days, and overseeing the two leadership labs. This committee ensures a focus on community and current issues, how the three sectors work together, racial equity, application of leadership principles, and the intersectionality of these components.

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Megan Rudolph
Meet LT's New Board Members

We are thrilled to introduce LT's new Board Members! Working with LT's 23 other board members, they will help steward LT as we navigate these uncertain times and ensure LT's continued success.

LT's Board of Directors is comprised of 29 leaders from the nonprofit, public, and private sectors. They are united by their commitment to cultivate, inspire, connect, and engage an effective community of leaders who will work collaboratively to foster sustainable change.

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Megan Rudolph