About Leadership Tomorrow



We educate, inspire, connect, and catalyze cross-sector leaders who work together for collective impact.


We envision a resilient and equitable region where people from all communities and identities thrive.


Alumni have graduated from LT and are contributing to cultivating a more resilent and equitable reion.



  • Accountability: Leading and acting with courage and integrity, in and with communities.

  • Antiracism and Social Justice: Inspiring leaders to create equitable policies, institutions, and systems to ensure that all communities have the power and resources needed to thrive.

  • Belonging: Building relationships that promote interconnectedness and commitment to one another’s wellbeing.

  • Collective Leadership: Working together toward a common vision and sharing responsibility, power, and decision making, especially with those historically excluded.

  • Community Stewardship: Serving for the greater good, leading and acting from any position, with joy and love.

  • Curiosity and Humility: Approaching dialogues with a desire to learn; considering multiple points of view; seeking to understand the complexity and interconnectedness of issues and solutions.