Alumni Spotlight: Priya Frank, LT'15
Priya Frank, LT’15, Seattle Art Museum
“LT gave me confidence to take more risks, leave an institution I’d been with for 16 years, and enter a career I was passionate about and driven towards. I began to see myself differently, saw the difference I could make, and honestly, envision myself as a leader, something I had feared acknowledging up until that point.”
What is one highlight from your LT experience?
Hearing Martha Choe, LT'84 talk about her friendship with Bob Watt, LT'84. They met in LT and remained friends for so many years, working on projects and initiatives together and supporting one another through many different points in their lives. It was something that stands out so clearly for me because LT was the place where I made some of my closest friends to this day. We have now sat on panels together, gone on trips together, seen each other through difficult times, celebrated our wins, and dream of what it might look like to work together one day. We are truly living our lives together. It was an unexpected and invaluable gift of being in this program.
What is one thing you think about or do differently because of LT?
The healthy community framework influences the work I do at the Seattle Art Museum every single day! I'm constantly thinking about how I can build authentic, long-lasting relationships across sectors that allow SAM to be a resource, not just in arts and culture, but also in basic needs, health and wellness, the environment, etc. I believe that by developing partnerships that can contribute to the strengthening of civic engagement, museums can stay relevant, be more inclusive, and create opportunities for more people to see themselves reflected there.
What advice would you give to the new class?
Be open to the experience and where it will take you. From the time I started LT, to one year out, I changed jobs twice, joined the Seattle Arts Commission, and made some big personal transformations. It gave me confidence to take more risks, leave an institution I'd been with for 16 years, and enter a career I was passionate about and driven towards. I began to see myself differently, saw the difference I could make, and honestly, envision myself as a leader, something I had feared acknowledging up until that point. The program was an investment in myself holistically, and I am truly better for it all around!