Posts in Possibility Day Reflections
Challenge Day Highlights: Environment, LT'21

To keep you connected to current issues and topics discussed in the Flagship Program, LT shares highlights and resources from our Challenge Days.

The recent Environment Challenge Day was centered around these questions: How are global environmental issues manifested in our local communities and how have the impacts been influenced by structural racism?What historical and cultural context must we consider in developing solutions to support communities most impacted by environmental issues? How do leaders build coalitions for successful environmental advocacy and environmental justice work?

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Challenge Day Highlights: Education, LT'21

To keep you connected to current issues and topics discussed in the Flagship Program, LT shares highlights and resources from our Challenge Days.

The recent Education Challenge Day was centered around these questions: How do specific educational policies reflect and perpetuate racial inequities and injustices? Through what practices and mechanisms do educational policies change to promote equity and justice? At the school, district, state level? How might deeply inclusive, racially just and equitable school environments look, feel, and sound? Are there actions YOU can take to support moving from trauma-inducing, inequitable education to learning spaces that promote healing and equity?

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Challenge Day Highlights: Arts & Culture, LT'21

To keep you connected to LT and current issues and topics discussed in the curriculum, LT shares highlights and resources from the recent Challenge Day.

The Arts and Culture Challenge Day was centered around these questions: What role do the arts play in healthy communities and your own life? How is the arts and culture sector being impacted by the pandemic? What does a thriving arts and culture sector on the other side of the pandemic look like? What role could your professional sector and your own leadership play in helping the arts and culture sector and its workers thrive in our region into the future?

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Challenge Day Highlights: Health & Wellbeing, LT'21

To keep you connected to LT and current issues and topics discussed in the curriculum, LT shares highlights and resources from the recent Challenge Day.

The Health and Wellbeing Challenge Day was centered around these questions: White, western culture views health and wellbeing in an individualistic way, but we know that the social determinants of health contribute in a major way to a community’s health. What does collective wellbeing look like? How could we build collective wellbeing? What would our legal/justice system look like if we believed in supporting and investing in the potential of all young people?

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Challenge Day Highlights: Basic Needs, LT'21

To keep you connected to LT and current issues and topics discussed in the curriculum, LT shares highlights and resources from the recent Challenge Day.

The Basic Needs Challenge Day was centered around these questions: How do we decide and whom do we listen to in finding solutions to systemic barriers so communities can meet their basic needs to not just survive, but thrive? What role should government play in this? Nonprofits? Private Industry? How do we define the “right” or “best” solution for complex problems?

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Challenge Day Highlights: Neighborhoods & Communities, LT'21

To keep you connected to LT and current issues and topics discussed in the curriculum, LT shares highlights and resources from the recent Challenge Day. We hope you enjoy these regular updates!

The LT Class of 2021 recently met for their Neighborhoods and Communities Challenge Day. The day was centered around these questions: What are solutions to displacement and disenfranchisement faced by Black, Indigenous, and other people of color (BIPOC) communities caused by historic and current structural racism? What strategies support communities most impacted by displacement stay rooted and flourish? What are challenges of implementing solutions in real life?

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Challenge Day Reflections: Economy, LT'20

Economy Challenge Month
May 2020

As LT pivoted to a virtual environment, the Economy Challenge Day Planning team created a menu of opportunities that support these learning objectives. We encourage you to watch the recordings of these learning sessions.

  • Community and Belonging: Explore how crises inspire belonging and connection in a community. Consider how your LT community can foster belonging and connection at this time.

  • Regional Issues: Assess how interconnected the physical health of our people and economic health of our region is. Explore through an economic lens how the choices we make impact our community.

  • Leadership: Discuss opportunities for how the private, public, and nonprofit sectors can come together to address regional challenges. Identify actions you can take in support of these opportunities.

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Challenge Day Reflections: Arts & Culture, LT'20

Challenge Day Reflections, written by LT alumni, are designed to help you stay connected to the LT curriculum, sharing highlights and resources from our content-rich Challenge Days. We hope you enjoy these monthly updates!

At the Arts & Culture Day, held at the Seattle Center, LT’20 identified multiple approaches to using arts and culture as forces that catalyze positive change; examined local examples of how arts and culture offer opportunities to connect and gather; assessed the cultural landscape in King County and gathered insights into how funding is generated and distributed to support artists and organizations; and reflected on testimonials from individuals who shared how their arts and culture efforts intersect with the other Challenge Day pillars.

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Challenge Day Reflections: Education, LT'20

To keep you connected to LT and the current issues and topics discussed in the curriculum, LT shares highlights and resources from the recent Challenge Day. We hope you enjoy these monthly updates! 

At the Education Challenge Day, held at South Seattle College, LT’20 identified educational challenges/opportunities significant to our region, examined systemic realities of racial disparity in education, explored why the achievement gap continues to exist, and engaged in conversations about the complexity of the educational landscape, including the controversial aspects of it.

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Challenge Day Reflections: Neighborhoods & Communities, LT'20

To keep you connected to LT and the current issues and topics discussed in the curriculum, LT shares highlights and resources from the recent Challenge Day. We hope you enjoy these monthly updates! 

At the Neighborhoods & Communities Challenge Day, held at Northwest African American Museum, LT’20 explored the importance of strong, diverse social networks in creating healthy communities, delved into the fundamentals of the development eco-system, particularly the tension between growth, affordability, and displacement; and learned about race and racism in urban growth, including the disproportional negative impact on people of color.

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