Challenge Day Highlights: Environment, LT'21

To keep you connected to current issues and topics discussed in the Flagship Program, LT shares highlights and resources from our Challenge Days.

The recent Environment Challenge Day was centered around these questions: How are global environmental issues manifested in our local communities and how have the impacts been influenced by structural racism?What historical and cultural context must we consider in developing solutions to support communities most impacted by environmental issues? How do leaders build coalitions for successful environmental advocacy and environmental justice work?

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Alumni Spotlight: Gary Cooper, LT'18, Amazon

I came to LT with the mindset that a change was needed. LT provided me with a new set of skills and perspectives through which to make that change. While I was, and continue to be, a voracious reader of and listen to the voices from communities most impacted by white, patriarchal supremacy, there were ways I still fell back into centering the traditional leader when it came to making changes. I would still look up a corporate ladder and see those at the top with the authoritative voice. LT fundamentally changed that.

Read the rest of the article to see how Gary applied his LT experience to move into an DEI role at Amazon.

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Challenge Day Highlights: Education, LT'21

To keep you connected to current issues and topics discussed in the Flagship Program, LT shares highlights and resources from our Challenge Days.

The recent Education Challenge Day was centered around these questions: How do specific educational policies reflect and perpetuate racial inequities and injustices? Through what practices and mechanisms do educational policies change to promote equity and justice? At the school, district, state level? How might deeply inclusive, racially just and equitable school environments look, feel, and sound? Are there actions YOU can take to support moving from trauma-inducing, inequitable education to learning spaces that promote healing and equity?

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Challenge Day Highlights: Arts & Culture, LT'21

To keep you connected to LT and current issues and topics discussed in the curriculum, LT shares highlights and resources from the recent Challenge Day.

The Arts and Culture Challenge Day was centered around these questions: What role do the arts play in healthy communities and your own life? How is the arts and culture sector being impacted by the pandemic? What does a thriving arts and culture sector on the other side of the pandemic look like? What role could your professional sector and your own leadership play in helping the arts and culture sector and its workers thrive in our region into the future?

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Challenge Day Highlights: Health & Wellbeing, LT'21

To keep you connected to LT and current issues and topics discussed in the curriculum, LT shares highlights and resources from the recent Challenge Day.

The Health and Wellbeing Challenge Day was centered around these questions: White, western culture views health and wellbeing in an individualistic way, but we know that the social determinants of health contribute in a major way to a community’s health. What does collective wellbeing look like? How could we build collective wellbeing? What would our legal/justice system look like if we believed in supporting and investing in the potential of all young people?

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Challenge Day Highlights: Basic Needs, LT'21

To keep you connected to LT and current issues and topics discussed in the curriculum, LT shares highlights and resources from the recent Challenge Day.

The Basic Needs Challenge Day was centered around these questions: How do we decide and whom do we listen to in finding solutions to systemic barriers so communities can meet their basic needs to not just survive, but thrive? What role should government play in this? Nonprofits? Private Industry? How do we define the “right” or “best” solution for complex problems?

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The Future of Policing Resources

On October 27, 2020, we held a Challenge Night focused on the Future of Policing. The conversation was moderated by Marcus Green of the South Seattle Emerald and our panelists included Monisha Harrell, LT’11 of Rule Seven LLC and Deputy Monitor for the Oversight Commission of the Seattle Police Dept, Captain John Hayes, LT’03 of Seattle Police Department, and Rob Saka, LT’18 of Microsoft and King County Charter Commission.

Panelists offered different perspectives, discussed the range of solutions being proposed, and suggested ways LT alumni could plug in to learn more and take action. A note about the perspectives shared that night: we did not have someone on the panel with an abolitionist point of view. A lot of effort went into including someone with that perspective, but for a variety of reasons, no one we reached out to could participate.

Read more to check out related resources gathered by panelists and LT staff.

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Megan Rudolph