February 2023 Newsletter

Stay connected with LT by checking out our February newsletter. Read how you can help us identify candidates for LT’s 40th cohort, see how an LT meeting led to a collaboration between two nonprofit organizations, and check out the Grapevine to see how LT alumni are growing in their leadership and making a positive impact in our region.

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LT'23 Leader Interviews

As part of their Leadership Lab Projects, the LT’23 cohort met, interviewed, and learned from regional leaders, centering their conversations on leadership beliefs and practices, what “collective” leadership might look like, and how leaders take action toward racial equity and social justice. The cohort was divided into 10 teams; each team interviewed two leaders. In total, 20 leaders from the private, public, and nonprofit sectors shared their ideas and wisdom with the cohort. 

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Megan Rudolph
An LT Meeting Leads to Collaboration

In March 2022, Felicia Ishino, LT’21, facilitated a conversation with Sean Goode, Executive Director of Choose 180, and fellow community advocate, Dr. Ben Danielson, during the Leadership Tomorrow’s Health and Wellbeing Challenge Day. Felicia and Sean continued their conversation after the Challenge Day and in November 2022, Sankofa Impact and Choose 180 embarked on a pilgrimage to Germany and the American South. 

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Featured AlumniMegan Rudolph
February Leaders on Board Newsletter

Check out LT's quarterly newsletter designed to help LT alumni interested in board service identify and connect with nonprofit organizations that are recruiting board members. Serving on a nonprofit board is a fabulous way to get engaged in the community and apply your leadership.

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LOB NewsletterMegan Rudolph
Possibility Day Reflections: Economy, LT'23

At our Economy Possibility Day, Cohort members shared their economic journeys and grappled with the underlying question: what might an economy look like in a region where people from all communities and identities thrive? We continued to explore the interconnections among each of our Possibility Day topics, for example, how the economy relates to environmental issues, housing and homelessness, and other shared challenges and opportunities in our region. Many thanks to BECU for their sponsorship of this day!

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December 2022 Newsletter

Stay connected with LT by checking out our December newsletter. Read updates from LT’s Executive Director; learn how two LT alumni, Mollie Price, LT’17, and Sandra Madrid, LT’89, are leveraging what they learned in LT to foster change in their spheres of influence; and check out the Grapevine to see how LT alumni are growing in their leadership and making a positive impact in our region.

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Possibility Day Reflections: Health & Wellbeing, LT'23

We held our second Possibility Day (formerly known as Challenge Days) of the LT'23 year. New this year, we are experimenting with a shift in language from “Challenge” Days to “Possibility” Days. This reframing is in response to LT’23 cohort members' request to focus on solutions and LT’s continued evolution toward asset-based approaches to regional issues. Check out our write-up for resources from the day and reflections from three LT’23 class members. Many thanks to Virginia Mason Franciscan Health for their sponsorship of this day!

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Possibility Day Reflections: Arts & Culture, LT'23

We recently held our first Possibility Day (formerly known as Challenge Days) of the LT'23 year! New this year, we are experimenting with a shift in language from “Challenge” Days to “Possibility” Days. This reframing is in response to LT’23 cohort members' request to focus on solutions and LT’s continued evolution toward asset-based approaches to regional issues. We began this year with the Arts & Culture Possibility Day. Check out our write-up for resources from the day and reflections from two LT’23 class members. Many thanks to 4Culture and Sellen for their sponsorship of this day!

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October Leaders on Board Newsletter

Check out LT's quarterly newsletter designed to help LT alumni interested in board service identify and connect with nonprofit organizations that are recruiting board members. Serving on a nonprofit board is a fabulous way to get engaged in the community and apply your leadership.

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LOB NewsletterMegan Rudolph