LT Alumni Community Impact Projects FAQ


What are LT alumni community impact projects?

Leadership Tomorrow is a community of 2,500 alumni who have graduated from our 10-month Flagship Program, a program where cross-sector leaders build community and belonging, deepen their knowledge of interconnected issues that shape our region, and enhance their leadership skills. They have expertise in a variety of areas and are committed to making our region a place where everyone thrives. Many Puget Sound organizations could benefit from working with LT alumni to help move their initiatives and projects forward.

That's why we are thrilled to offer our second year of LT Alumni Community Impact Projects! This is an opportunity for alumni to collaborate with local organizations, volunteering their time and expertise to complete projects, such as developing a marketing plan, assisting with strategic planning, advising on HR best practices, helping identify ways to measure impact, and more.

What can an LT volunteer do for my organization?

Our alumni have expertise in a variety of areas, such as finance, law, HR, community organizing, DEI, sustainability, nonprofit governance, and more. You can propose a project for an alum(s) that may support your organization’s growth, improve your processes, and more.

Is my organization eligible to submit a project proposal?

If you are a nonprofit, public sector organization (division, unit, department, etc.), or community group that serves the Puget Sound region, your organization may apply. Your organization should be in alignment with LT’s mission, vision, and values. Projects may not be partisan or religious in nature nor have fundraising as a primary focus.

Is working with an LT alum just like hiring a consultant?

Not quite. This is a volunteer position, and an LT alum will devote time outside of their job and other commitments to work on your project. In addition, a volunteer may discover hidden issues or limitations in the original proposal or approach. In this partnership model, alumni are encouraged to bring concerns, new ideas, and input to their partnering organization. Organizations are encouraged to consider a change in course even if it deviates from the original plan.

What is my organization’s role in the partnership?

The most successful volunteers are those who have the best communication with their partnering organization. This will require time and energy on the part of the organization to attend meetings, return emails, take phone calls, and make decisions in a prompt manner. If the volunteer is not given direction and feedback from the organization, they will have difficulty achieving success.

How are proposals selected?

Leadership Tomorrow’s Director of Alumni Impact and Equity and members of the Alumni Engagement and Leadership Committee will determine which projects to present to alumni. Projects will be evaluated based on the project proposal guidelines below. Alumni will be matched with proposals that match their skills and interests.

What are the guidelines for project proposals?

  • The project must be realistic in scope and able to be completed in the time frame (April-June 2023) with no more than 40 hours of work. Projects that are flexible in scope and can be narrowed or expanded will be most successful.

  • Projects may not be partisan or religious in nature nor have fundraising as a primary focus.

  • The project should help your organization better serve the community, and be strategic, structural, operational, or organizational in nature.

  • The project should align with aspects of LT’s mission, vision, and values.

  • The partnering organization must be open to new and innovative ideas the volunteer provides.

  • The partnering organization must have the capacity to partner with the volunteer on this project, communicating, meeting, and working with them to make decisions quickly.

What are the key dates?

  • February 8, 2023, 1:00-2:00 p.m.: attend Zoom information session to learn about submitting a proposal. Email if you would like to attend.

  • February 27, 2023: project proposals are due.

  • March 7-24, 2023: alumni are matched with organizations.

  • Week of April 3, 2023: all organizations notified of their selection status.

  • April-June 2023: alumni work on community impact projects and submit a final project summary.

  • July 2023: partnering organizations complete experience survey.

I want to submit a proposal. What’s the next step?

You may submit a proposal now through February 27, 2023. After you’ve read these FAQ, you can submit your proposal here. Make sure your submission is clearly written so volunteers understand exactly what you are asking for.