LT Alumni Community Impact Projects


LT Alumni: Would you like to collaborate with a local organization, volunteering your expertise and skills to help them complete a project? Below are 10 project proposals from local organizations that would love to work with you! Projects range in size and should take no more than 40 hours to complete. Projects must be completed from April-June 2023. Visit our FAQ page to learn how we solicited these project proposals and our expectations of participating organizations.

We will match one or two alumni with each project.  We will try to match all alumni with either their first or second choice, but depending on the response, we cannot guarantee that all interested alumni will be matched. We will let you know your assignment and send contact information during the first week of April.


Project Proposals

  • Website:

    Leadership demographics: Women-led

    Mission: Junior Achievement’s mission is to inspire and prepare young people to succeed. Junior Achievement’s proven lessons in financial literacy, work and career readiness, and entrepreneurship are shown to positively impact the lives of young people. These lessons align with national and state educational standards and are delivered to millions of students across the country with the help of our education partners and volunteers from the local community.

    Project summary: Our goal is to create a Comprehensive Emergency Preparedness Plan (EPP) for our JA Education Center, located in Auburn, WA.

    Project details: As a community organization that serves youth , it is imperative that we are prepared for all types of emergencies. We would like to work with leaders who have expertise in safety and emergency preparedness to create a comprehensive preparedness plan for our JA Education Center in Auburn, WA. Our challenge is getting a baseline EPP in place that can then be updated as needed. We need help identifying EPP templates that will work for us to use to draft our plan. We are hoping to work with an advisory committee who will interview our staff, draft pieces of the EPP and advise us towards completion of the plan.

    Looking for a volunteer with expertise in: Safety-related background or experience, security specialty, project management experience, computer skills; experience creating Emergency Plans, research skills, facility management experience; risk management/risk mitigation.

    Actions already taken related to this project: In 2019, JA USA (our parent organization) provided us with a Security Checklist that included a basic list of safety items to address. As part of this exercise, we updated our fire safety equipment, replaced all exit signs, and made sure that all interior and exterior lights were working properly. We feel that this was a good starting point, but that much more work is needed.

    Desired deliverables that will result from this project: Our hope is that we will create a Comprehensive Emergency Preparedness Plan that will include things like evacuation routes; security lockdown plans; lists of contacts and contact information; emergency preparedness for staff, students, and visitors; how to mitigate risk; plan to address doors and entry/exit access; process for keeping track of people who are in our building; detailed communication procedures to follow during and after an emergency; staff training plan; earthquake plan.

  • Website:

    Leadership demographics: BIPOC- and women-led

    Mission: The Latino Community Fund cultivates new leaders, supports cultural and community based non-profit organizations, and improves the quality of life for all Washingtonians.

    Project summary: In the next year, we would like to update our website. This project would help us to start putting a plan together to update our website and understand our needs in building our marketing work.

    Project details: Helping to understand our needs when updating our website, finding platform options, and how to keep the website updated and relevant.

    Looking for a volunteer with expertise in: Marketing, possibly technology, some project management to help us build out a plan we can put into use.

    Actions already taken related to this project: Parts of our website have been updated into Spanish, so it is more accessible for our community.

    Desired deliverables that will result from this project: A project plan that we could use when updating our website and/or key steps and questions as we consider what our needs are for an updated website.

  • Website:

    Leadership demographics: BIPOC- and women-led

    Mission: Fostering meaningful partnerships with health systems and community-based organizations that results in fairness, equity, and social justice that ensures everyone has access to resources and advancement. Promoting equitable policies and decisions that impact Latinx/e residents. Advocating for anti-racist systems changes that impact the Latinx/e community as well as in partnership with other communities experiencing health inequities. Collaborating with Latinx/e community members to develop anti-racist systems and culturally appropriate processes that will allow the community to be well informed and have access to the most up to date health education. Providing Latinx/e youth with exposure, access and mentorship to the health professions while addressing educational, financial and health system inequities that have become barriers to their advancement.

    Project summary: We want to work with an LT alum to help us rebuild our social media presence and social media identity. We want to talk to an expert in social media and community-based organizations to help us identify the best strategies and social media platforms that can be sustained by volunteers.

    Project details: Support LHB to develop a consistent social media presence and identity to support our reach and development goals. Problem: we are a board with volunteer members with rich experiences, capacities, and motivations. But we lack the expertise on social media and digital platforms to connect with other organizations, maintain and expand the reach with community members, other organizations who can be members of the board and build more connections with local government, philanthropic and state partners.

    Looking for a volunteer with expertise in: Non-profit and low-resource non-governmental agencies governance, operations, funding and development and social media and digital presence and communications.

    Actions already taken related to this project: We plan to take the following actions: 1. A scan of our capacity, reach, and presence in social media platforms (e.g., followers in social media and who we follow). 2. Develop a social media presence plan (which social media platforms to participate and reach we want), plan for branding our image or message. 3. Establish ways to execute and maintain the plan.

    Desired deliverables that will result from this project: Social media plan to implement. One social media platform that reflect new media presence and brand.

  • Website:

    Leadership demographics: BIPOC-led

    Mission: To foster creativity and self-confidence in BIPOC and low-income children and teens through arts and culture programs.

    Project summary: Assess the organization’s process for collecting and organizing contact information of participants and supporters and recommend a more efficient process to consolidate data into a CRM tool.

    Project details: Mari's Place for the Arts has benefited hundreds of BIPOC and low-income children and youth each year for 12 years. It plans to do more communication, marketing, and donor solicitation work but needs to organize its contact information and streamline the process for collecting and updating as it plans to conduct more fundraising activities. It is a small under-resourced organization and would greatly benefit at this time

    Looking for a volunteer with expertise in: Operational processes and donor databases

    Actions already taken related to this project: As a very small under-resourced org providing programs to approximately 1000 children and youth this year, there haven't been enough staff with time to figure this out.

    Desired deliverables that will result from this project: 1. Recommend a CRM, 2. a list of opportunities to collect and combine existing contact data, 3. a process flow map for efficient contact data base updating

  • Website:

    Leadership demographics: Women-led

    Mission: The Northwest Animal Rights Network advocates for the rights of all sentient beings—the right to choose, to be free from oppression and exploitation—by pursuing campaigns, facilitating education, and connecting Pacific Northwest organizations. Our efforts include outreach, demonstrations, litigation, and educational events. We also advocate that veganism is the best and most consistent way to respect the lives of animals; by rejecting the support of products and companies that deny them their inherent rights to live a life of freedom and fulfillment of their interests, it is the living practice of animal rights.

    Project summary: NARN needs assistance brainstorming and developing a comprehensive volunteer coordinating plan. Easily replicable steps that other volunteers or Board Members could do for the successful implementation of a volunteer program would help streamline and make more efficient our process in recruiting and retaining volunteers.

    Project details: NARN has robust campaigns and initiatives working on a variety of relevant topics. As a network creator (we take very seriously the “Network” part of our name), we form networks or coalitions of individuals and organizations willing to dedicate their time and energy in a collective effort to solve a particular problem. It is through these networks, often populated by volunteer-run organizations or individuals, that we seek to achieve the goals of our mission statement. We have many projects or tasks available for volunteers but not enough organizing or capacity power to match up our volunteer database with the developed or developing volunteer roles needing filled. It has been challenging developing and implementing an efficient volunteer coordinating process. We receive lots of interest from community members but find it challenging to match the new inquiries with roles we have already developed in a streamline and replicable manner. We could also use assistance in developing a system that keeps volunteers and their roles organized. A system that promotes volunteer retention and engagement would be particularly beneficial for us, as we have lots of dedicated ongoing volunteers who could be better matched with an available role.

    Looking for a volunteer with expertise in: People well versed in volunteer or community organizing would be very helpful for this challenge. Someone who has experience developing systems that organizes lots of people into a fluid workflow may be helpful, though we rely on volunteers and a volunteer-run Board to complete most of our projects, with the exception of one paid staff member. Someone who has experience in nonprofit development, particularly in HR or volunteer management, could be knowledgeable on developing a straight-forward plan with steps that are easily digestible for volunteers from a variety of backgrounds.

    Actions already taken related to this project: We have Action Network as the platform that fields volunteer requests for us. We then have a designated board member manually read and respond to each volunteer request. Depending on the request, the new volunteers are sent to the Director for further fielding or are given a task listed on a Google Spreadsheet that tracks available volunteer roles and projects. Other people join us through our Committees or Networks and volunteer with us but may not have registered with Action Network. It is difficult to track and coordinate all of our volunteer help with so many disparate steps. We do not have a written policy that someone could carry out after reviewing and training with an experienced volunteer.

    Desired deliverables that will result from this project: Fully developed volunteer coordinating plan that NARN could implement after the LT alum completes their work. It would be helpful if the plan included steps on recruiting volunteers, intaking volunteers and matching them up with roles, and retaining volunteers.

  • Website:

    Leadership demographics: BIPOC- and women-led

    Mission: SVP works to connect and invest in people and organizations to co-create thriving, sustainable, and just communities.

    Project summary: Help create a board development and board matching program for SVP Seattle. Many people join SVP Seattle looking to get involved with skilled volunteering and we know there is a need in the community for trained board members who are fluent in what the role of a board member is (and is not).

    Project details: SVP Seattle provides training in how nonprofits work and advocacy, programs on antiracism and the roots of system racism, opportunities to get involved in skilled volunteering, and much more. We would like to offer SVP Seattle Partners – people who join the organization looking to support local nonprofits – the opportunity to get trained in what it means to be a board member, and help match them with a local nonprofit.

    Looking for a volunteer with expertise in: Program development. Board development or board service.

    Actions already taken related to this project: We have SVP Partners who have board development experience who can support this project.

    Desired deliverables that will result from this project: 25 SVP Seattle Partners will be trained in board development and placed with local nonprofits in King County by the end of 2024.

  • Website:

    Leadership demographics: BIPOC-led

    Mission: The Voices of Pacific Island Nations (VOPIN) is committed to inspiring Pasefika (Pacific Islander) students and families by providing high-quality, culturally responsive services and resources to eliminate educational and opportunity inequities. We serve as a bridge to develop stronger relationships between students, families, schools, and the community.

    Project summary: VOPIN would like an LT alum to help update current strategic and sustainability plans and advice on the implementation of the plans.

    Project details: There are four components to VOPIN’s Organizational Sustainability Plan that are designed to maintain VOPIN’s longevity. 1) Leadership Sustainability refers to the ongoing, long-term commitment of the organization’s leadership team. 2) Staff Sustainability refers to the recruitment and retention of highly qualified staff. This is addressed through VOPIN’s Staff Recruitment and Retention Plan. 3) Financial Sustainability refers to VOPIN’s long-term financial stability. 4) Program Sustainability refers to the ongoing success of the programs VOPIN uses to achieve its mission.

    With the help of an LT alum, we would like to specifically focus on Leadership Sustainability, as recruiting and retaining Board Members for VOPIN is a current challenge. We already have a strategic plan in place but would love the expertise of an LT alum to consult us on what needs tweaking or changing, if needed.

    Looking for a volunteer with expertise in: Expertise in strategic planning for small nonprofits, governance, sustainability, consulting.

    Actions already taken related to this project: Actively recruiting new board members, trying to find Pacific Islander leaders in the community who can help the organization

    Desired deliverables that will result from this project: An edited or updated version of our Strategic and Sustainability plans and a practical way to implement them.

  • Website:

    Leadership demographics: BIPOC- and women-led

    Mission: The Washington State Society for Clinical Social Works' (WSSCSW) mission is to provide clinical training and support, legislative advocacy on mental health and social service concerns, protection of client's rights, and economic vitality for clinical social workers. WSSCSW is committed to anti-racist practices and taking active steps to identify and eliminate the enduring and insidious legacy of colonialism, white supremacy, and systems of oppression, both inside and outside the organization.

    Project summary: We have a hard time getting people to volunteer to be on our board. How do we get them in and help them to stay and be successful?

    Project details: We would love to have knowledge on board skills, to recruit, maintain, and support. Ideally, this would be a flowchart or information we can pass onto the following volunteer board while still helping us in real time. We’d love evaluations of our policy and procedures, anything to help set us up for success and sustainability.

    Looking for a volunteer with expertise in: The LT alum should have experience with volunteer board leadership, recruitment, and sustainability.

    Actions already taken related to this project: We have tried recruiting from our current member base of over 200 members.

    Desired deliverables that will result from this project: We hope to have insight into what areas of improvement we have, what we can do differently, and how best we can change our practices to recruit more members/board members and successfully sustain as an organization.

  • Website:

    Leadership demographics: BIPOC- and women-led

    Mission: The Washington State Society for Clinical Social Works' (WSSCSW) mission is to provide clinical training and support, legislative advocacy on mental health and social service concerns, protection of client's rights, and economic vitality for clinical social workers. WSSCSW is committed to anti-racist practices and taking active steps to identify and eliminate the enduring and insidious legacy of colonialism, white supremacy, and systems of oppression, both inside and outside the organization.

    Project summary: We would like support in moving from a 501(c)6 to a 501(c)3. How can we best set ourselves up for success when applying with the IRS? How can we maintain success when we receive the 501(c)3 status?

    Project details: For sustainability purposes, we need to move from a 501(c)6 to a 501(c)3. In doing so, we'll need the legislative aspect of what we currently do to be an off-shoot of the 501(c)3, so they still work in partnership but are distinctly different. Where do we begin? What are the best next steps? How do we set ourselves up for success?

    Looking for a volunteer with expertise in: An area of expertise that the LT alum should have is navigating the legal qualifications of having a 501(c)3 status. Ideally the alum should have experience or suggestions with navigating the qualifications while being a very small and volunteer-based organization. We need the information we pass along to be tangible and easily accessible to the next group of volunteers.

    Actions already taken related to this project: We have asked for information about lawyers but no response.

    Desired deliverables that will result from this project: We want information on possible local lawyers with expertise in the 501(c)3 application. Additionally, please help to get everything lined up paperwork-wise to set us up for success when we apply.

  • Website:

    Leadership demographics: BIPOC- and women-led

    Mission: The Washington State Society for Clinical Social Works' (WSSCSW) mission is to provide clinical training and support, legislative advocacy on mental health and social service concerns, protection of t's rights, and economic vitality for clinical social workers. WSSCSW is committed to anti-racist practices and taking active steps to identify and eliminate the enduring and insidious legacy of colonialism, white supremacy, and systems of oppression, both inside and outside the organization.

    Project summary: WSSCSW would like to learn more about fundraising! We desperately need to raise funds to stay operational and would like to use the money to help provide scholarships for our trainings, to have scholarships for MSW students (and interns), as well as to help cover some of our operational expenses.

    Project details: WSSCSW is a very small nonprofit organization that relies on nominal member fees, member retention, and donations to operate. We, however, do not have any training or educational pieces on how to fundraise. We would like to learn more about fundraising, and how can we do it for as little cost as possible. What networks should we be partnering with? What are fundraising best practices and how can we have all of this information in a format that is easy to pass along to the next volunteer board?

    Looking for a volunteer with expertise in: WSSCSW would like to have an LT alum with a passion for fundraising, educating others on best practices, and if possible, helping to create fundraising systems where there aren’t currently any.

    Actions already taken related to this project: WSSCSW has hosted fundraising events such as a ‘Wine and Align’ event where area mental health providers got together at Cheateu St. Michelle and met with our lobbyist to align on things in the coming legislative year. We also hosted a silent auction. We frequently ask members to donate when we send out emails and get a very limited response.

    Desired deliverables that will result from this project: From this project, we hope to have a flow chart [or something similar] of fundraising that will help the current board and future boards ensure that they know how to fundraise, donors to maintain relationships with, and best practices within fundraising. We hope to have a transferable system in place to teach each new board member as they join.