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LT Alumni Coffee Break: Choose Your Own Conversation

  • Leadership Tomorrow 1301 5th Ave, Suite 1500 Seattle, WA 98101 United States (map)

LT Alumni Coffee Break: Choose Your Own Conversation

Join us for a modified Open Space discussion where you get to connect with other alumni around shared interests! ​In small breakout rooms, participate in meaningful conversations about an issue you suggested or a topic posed by another participant. Conversations could focus on issues or topics such as:

  • Connect with others around shared interests (such as Climate Change, K-12 Education, the Arts, etc.)

  • How are you moving your organization forward to dismantle racism? How are you evolving to become an antiracist organization?

  • What does or should economic recovery look like?

  • If you are looking for work, how are you managing the transition between jobs?

  • How do we proceed with reconciliation and reparations for Black Americans?

Event Details:

  • When: November 16, 2021, 10:00-11:00 a.m.

  • Where: Zoom

  • Who: LT Alumni, LT’22 class members, Honorary LT, LT Staff

  • Cost: Free

Event Agenda:

  • 10:00 a.m. Welcome and Introduction

  • 10:05 a.m. Pose Discussion Topics/Issues

  • 10:10 a.m. Select Discussion Topics/Issues

  • 10:15 a.m. Join Discussion Groups

  • 10:55 a.m. Everyone rejoins the main room for a quick debrief

Other Details:

If you pose a discussion topic, please be prepared to facilitate that discussion group. You do not have to pose a discussion topic to participate.