LT Alumni Coffee Break: Choose Your Own Conversation
Join us for a modified Open Space discussion where you get to connect with other alumni around shared interests! In small breakout rooms, participate in meaningful conversations about an issue you suggested or a topic posed by another participant. Conversations could focus on issues or topics such as:
Connect with others around shared interests (such as Climate Change, K-12 Education, the Arts, etc.)
How are you moving your organization forward to dismantle racism? How are you evolving to become an antiracist organization?
What does or should economic recovery look like?
If you are looking for work, how are you managing the transition between jobs?
How do we proceed with reconciliation and reparations for Black Americans?
Event Details:
When: November 16, 2021, 10:00-11:00 a.m.
Where: Zoom
Who: LT Alumni, LT’22 class members, Honorary LT, LT Staff
Cost: Free
Event Agenda:
10:00 a.m. Welcome and Introduction
10:05 a.m. Pose Discussion Topics/Issues
10:10 a.m. Select Discussion Topics/Issues
10:15 a.m. Join Discussion Groups
10:55 a.m. Everyone rejoins the main room for a quick debrief
Other Details:
If you pose a discussion topic, please be prepared to facilitate that discussion group. You do not have to pose a discussion topic to participate.