Announcing LT's New Mission, Vision, and Values

We are thrilled to present Leadership Tomorrow’s new mission, vision, and values. These statements reflect a year’s worth of work, during which we reached out broadly into the community to better understand what LT’s role is in cultivating community leaders in our region.

Our Mission:

We educate, inspire, connect, and catalyze cross-sector leaders who work together for collective impact.

our Vision:

We envision a resilient and equitable region where people from all communities and identities thrive.

our Values

  • Accountability: Leading and acting with courage and integrity, in and with communities.

  • Antiracism and Social Justice: Inspiring leaders to create equitable policies, institutions, and systems to ensure that all communities have the power and resources needed to thrive.

  • Belonging: Building relationships that promote interconnectedness and commitment to one another’s wellbeing.

  • Collective Leadership: Working together toward a common vision and sharing responsibility, power, and decision making, especially with those historically excluded.

  • Community Stewardship: Serving for the greater good, leading and acting from any position, with joy and love.

  • Curiosity and Humility: Approaching dialogues with a desire to learn; considering multiple points of view; seeking to understand the complexity and interconnectedness of issues and solutions.

We’ve also drafted these FAQ to clarify commonly asked questions.

How did we get here? Our Strategic Planning Process:

From February-December 2021, we engaged in an extensive strategic planning process. As part of this process, we heard from more than 600 people via focus groups, interviews, and surveys. To be inclusive and help ensure diversity of thought, we intentionally reached out to alumni who graduated in different years (from 1984-2020), alumni of color, past board leadership, sponsors and funders, non-alumni, political leaders, and people who represent different sectors, genders, races, and ages.

A few key takeaways emerged as we analyzed what folks were telling us:

  • Cultivating and connecting cross-sector leaders is powerful, important, and valued.

  • It is LT’s role to bring leaders together to learn about issues and solutions from a variety of perspectives, and to encourage alumni engagement. It is not LT’s purpose to promote specific solutions.

  • Equitable systems, policies, and institutions are essential to a thriving community where a person’s identity does not determine their outcomes. LT’s focus on antiracist leadership is a critical component of the program.

Based on what we learned, the Strategic Planning Task Force, LT Board, and staff worked together for several months to craft the new mission, vision, and values statements. We are excited and energized by this confirmation of LT’s vital role in our region and clarity around our goals and values.

Our next steps will be to incorporate these statements into every aspect of LT, from recruiting and selecting candidates, to curriculum design, to alumni programming, so that everything we do is aligned to achieve our vision and mission.

Thank you for your leadership in our community. We can’t do this important work without you!

Megan Rudolph